Saturday, June 16, 2018

Download 4Liker for Android Free

Download 4Liker for Android Free

4Liker is an Android application to have more likes and comments on our Facebook publications: over 350 likes and 50 comments on our status or pictures 

App Information

App: 4Liker for Android

Version: Updated

Size: 2.3 MB

This is app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

4Liker for Android

Social networks have become very important to boost the ego of many users that are always eager to receive as many likes as possible. Because it's really important to get hundreds of likes every time you post a status, upload a photo or share a quote by your favorite author, otherwise you're a complete loser. Well, if your contacts on Facebook ignore you but you want to look like you're a winner, you definitely have to download 4Liker for Android. The application to get more likes on your posts With this app, you can initially receive 350 likes on Mark Zuckerberg's social network and even comments... 50 or more according to its developers, for both your status and pics. How it works is really simple: Step 1: open the app and log into Facebook. Step 2: once you've accessed, look for the option to apply likes. Step 3: now you've only got to find the publication that you want to promote and press Submit. As you can imagine, these likes are completely fake but who cares... you can pretend you're a really popular guy or girl. Your posts will no longer look so sad: you'll have the same number of likes and comments as an influencer. However, who wants a tool of this nature? Maybe not you but from a commercial point of view it's really interesting if you want to boost your image and pretend that your publications have loads of interactions. Main features of 4Liker Medialikes These are the main features and functions of this application: Receive automatic likes on Facebook. Completely free of spam. Over 350 likes and 50 comments on publications. Promote only the posts you really want. Functions to promote posts on Instagram. This app has obviously got nothing to do with Facebook and it's definitely a dirty or black hat practice in the world of social media management. But really, who cares?  

Receive automatic likes and comments on Facebook 

Size: 2.3 MB | OS: Android  | Status: FREE 

Download 4Liker for Android here

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